
Fuels infrastructure projects

FTL Fuels Transport and Logistics SA. is a Company incorporated under the law of the Democratic Republic of Congo fully owned by Medea Development DRC which is a company of Medea Group.

In accordance with the DRC Law 015/12 and the decree  016/10 Decree, the State Company SONAHYDROC established a strategic partnership with FTL. The objective of this partnership is to improve the present downstream fuel logistic sector of the Country, both through the construction of new infrastructures and the revamping of the existing ones.

These projects will:

  • Create value from the existing facilities through proper industrial and commercial approach.
  • Control the fuel quantities imported and distributed in the Country.
  • Increase the amount of the fiscality due to the State.
  • Lower the fuel price at the pump
  • Generate new cash for the implementation of new infrastructure and the refurbishment of the existing ones.
  • Create Country independence in fuels supply through new refining capacity in the Western area and the possibility to have access to refining capacity in the South.
  • Establish an efficient fuels logistic system in the framework of the DRC Hydrocarbon Law (08/2015), relaunching the State Company in the central role of national champion for the hydrocarbons sector.

At this moment the company is working on the two following projects: more information are available in the FTL website.

Southern DRC project

Western DRC project

ECTP Block Ghana

Medea Development, through its affiliate Medea Development Ghana Limited is the operator of the ECTP block in the offshore of Ghana. The company owns 36% of interest and it is in joint venture with Cola natural resources (54% interest) and the Ghana national company GNPC (10% carried interest).

The block is located within the ECTP basin, adjacent to the Tano and Saltpond basins where previous discoveries have been made, including the prolific Jubilee, TEN and Sankofa fields, as well as the Saltpond and Tano fields. The block contains geological plays of both basins and has prospectivity in the Lower Cretaceous and Paleozoic horizons.

The block lies in an underexplored area of Ghana. Exploration targeting the Paleozoic ended in the 1970s, after the marginal Saltpond oil discovery, and recent in-country exploration has been focused on the Tano basin to the west

After the preliminary data gathering, the relevant geological studies, a gravimetric and magnetic study, and a wide interpretation of the 2D seismic available in the whole Central basin have been carried out.

Medea then designed and managed the acquisition of a block-wide 3D seismic survey (1,495 km2).

The data have been interpreted by our Geologists and Geophysicist and the results have been integrated by a 3D Petroleum System Modelling made in collaboration with Schlumberger.

The best prospect has been identified and the team then worked on the casing design and the preparation to drill the well that should be spudded in the coming months

Seismic Acquisition, Processing and interpretation on Lake Albert

Medea Development managed the Acquisition, processing and interpretation of a 900 km 2D seismic survey in the Lake Albert region in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The 2D survey has been acquired both onshore and offshore in collaboration with Tesla. The seismic design was defined with particular attention to the transition zone  along the coastline in order to achieve the maximum quality in such a difficult area of operations.

In collaboration with Tesla and Geotrace the acquired data have been processed with particular attention on the merging of the offshore and onshore data .

In collaboration with Tesla and Geotrace the acquired data have been processed with particular attention on the merging of the offshore and onshore data .


The integrated Project proposed by Tamasa, a joint venture between Medea Dev. SA and CIH (Community Investment Holdings), is to realize a LNG regasification plant and the relevant transmission system that will enable:

  • the set-up of an additional and significant alternative energy source in South Africa
  • to create competition in the natural gas market and, therefore, creating economic and strategic benefits for the national industry
  • to create jobs and secondary industries
  • to create a national gas industry of the proper “economy of scale” allowing competitive supplies.


Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
receiving and regasification Terminal at the Ngqura Port
– 1 storage tank of 165,000 liquid cubic meter
– up to 4 Billion cubic meter/year of total regasification capacity

Natural Gas Transmission System
from Ngqura Port to Mossel Bay
– 391 km of pipelines with the diameter ranging from 30” to 36”



Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
– up to 2 more storage tanks of 165,000 liquid cubic meter in addition to the existing one
– up to 8-10 Billion cubic meter/year of total regasification capacity

Natural Gas Transmission System
– 755 additional km of pipeline to connect Cape Town and Saldanha

LNG regasification and Liquefaction Terminals

Medea team provided Engineering, technical studies and support in the LNG sector for the following tasks:

Upstream and supply development


  • LNG liquefaction plant;
  • Identification of LNG sources and assessment;
  • Off-shore/On-shore gathering and treatment system;
  • Maritime transport assessment and optimization.


  • International Pricing and Benchmarking;
  • Basic Agreement;
  • SHA (Shareholders Agreement);
  • PDA (Project Development Agreement);
  • SPA (Supply Purchasing Agreement);
  • LNG maritime transport Contracts.


  • Business Plan;
  • Financial assessment;
  • Negotiations Support.

LNG Regasification Terminal


  • Technical-economic feasibility studies
  • Preliminary Engineering (pre FEED);
  • Environmental Impact Study and Safety Report;
  • Maritime Transport simulations;
  • Institutional and authorization supports;
  • Authorization Procedure.

The team worked in LNG projects around the world

Marampa/Tonkolili Project (Iron ore) – Sierra Leone


In the context of Broad Gauge Railway construction two interesting research and exploitation projects of iron mines located in the area were included: Marampa and Tonkolili Iron Mine Projects.

Project Description

Mineral resources: Iron
Location: Marampa, Tonkolili, Koribondo, Bagla Hall, Bubobu
Surface (km2): Marampa (14,83)
Reserve (Inferred): >1 Bton @ 35% Iron content Production Capacity @plateau: up to 10 MTPA

MoU signed with Government in 2008

Cassinga Project (Iron Ore) - Angola

Iron Ore deposits have been identified at Kassala-Kitungo and at Cassinga, where production ceased as a result of low world prices and destruction of railway to the coast (Benguela port) during the civil war.

In the Cassinga area, Iron Ore reserves averaged 60 to 65% iron for at least 125 million tons, which consisted of 95 Mtons of pebble (alluvial) and 30 Mtons of massive hematite ore.

Banded hematite-quartzite ores at Cassinga have a tenor of 35-53 % iron and reserves are estimated about 2 billions ton. The discovered reserves at Kassala-Quilungo are low grade and total 500 Mtons.

Tete Suite Project (Iron Ore) - Mozambique

Analysis focused on Tete region, being the local mining exploration and relevant infrastructure development expected to play a key role for the future coal and iron sector in the Country.

Project dealing with the entire exploration activity in the region with specific attention to the main three area along the Zambezi river (in which about 93% of the total coal reserves are concentrated):

  • Mucanha-Vuzi (mainly coal/uranium exploration)
  • Mefideze (mainly coal exploration)
  • Moatize-Minjova and Tete Suite (both coal and iron exploration)

Moatize Project (Coal) - Mozambique


Coal occurs almost everywhere in the sediments of the Lower Karoo in Mozambique, but it is generally deposited in the Ecca Group along the Zambezi river.

The most promising area in terms of Coal resources has been identified in the Tete region, being the local mining exploration and relevant infrastructure development expected to play a key role for the future coal sector in the Country.

The strong presence of large mining companies, like Vale, Rio Tinto and Arcelor-Mittal, and the relevant large investments in the country will facilitate and accelerate the development of the coal mining industry.

Project Description

The concession covers an area of over 20,000 ha and is located not far from the Vale mining concession area, where about 0.4 BlTon of Coal reserves Mineable in Situ has been measured, including huge hard coking coal resources.

Speculative resources are assessed over 1.0 Blton.

Hwedza Project (Iron Ore ) - Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe has huge known iron ore resources (35-40 Bton) grading 40% Fe and above.

Iron ore resources are mainly located near Redcliff supplying the Iron and Steel production facility (Zisco).

The Hwedza Iron deposit is located some 150 Km East of Harare. The deposit is some 3 Km from tarred road to the east. The rail line runs along the A3 main to Mutare is less than 30 Km away. The port city of Beira is located around 300 Km from the interest area.

Project Description

Zimbabwe has huge known iron ore resources (35-40 Bton) grading 40% Fe and above.

Iron ore resources are mainly located near Redcliff supplying the Iron and Steel production facility (Zisco).

The Hwedza Iron deposit is located some 150 Km East of Harare. The deposit is some 3 Km from tarred road to the east. The rail line runs along the A3 main to Mutare is less than 30 Km away. The port city of Beira is located around 300 Km from the interest area.

Valencia Project (Uranium) - Namibia

The Valencia Uranium Deposit is located in Namibia,

Waterberg Project (Coal) - South Africa


Coal is found in South Africa in nineteen coalfields, located mainly in Mpumalanga, Free State and Gauteng. Single, although large, collieries are found near Ellisras, where Waterberg is located. Namane Resources (hold by CIH) has recently transferred through a reverse IPO mechanism 4 coal concessions located in Waterberg into the Australian company named Gleneagle, listed in the ASX.

Project Description

Surface (km2): 46.39
Resource: 1.3 Billion Ton Coal (Indicated) – 3.0 BTon (Speculative)

Activities and costs

Development: Acquisition and merging of additional neighbouring 10 farms (about 10,000 ha, over 2.0 BTon resources)
Prospection activities: Drillings and activities for the completion of a bankable feasibility study
Expected Total Costs (Ml$): 2.6M$ (necessary to complete the total exploration activities of the 4 farms)

Potential Economic Value

NPV (Ml$): present value 120-130 Ml$; after BFS 400-500 Ml$
Market: Local Power sector, thermal coal export from South Africa
Potential Customer: Eskom, Sasol, Jindal, Tata, Global Coal market

Soutpansberg Project (Coal) – South Africa


The property consists of 8 exploration licences that lie near the town of Musina in the Limpopo province about two hundred km north-east of Polokwane.
The basin has many exploitable coal seams with an average thickness of about 2.3 metres, with a coal, generally , of a good coking quality, with an ash content of about 20%, and the volatiles varying between 24 % and 27%.
The coal attains a maximum thickness of 3.9 metres around Punda Milia and decreases rapidly towards the west.

Project Description

Surface (km2): 143.4
Resource: over 200 MlTon Coal (Speculative)

Activities and costs

Development: Set-up of a vehicle including the 8 farms and aggregating other concessions – Medea intends to directly develop huge coal resources (up to 1 Bton) after the aggregation process
Prospection activities: Drillings and exploration activities for the reserve determination process
Expected Total Costs (Ml$): 2.0-3.0

Potential Economic Value

NPV (M$) after prospection (BFS): 150-200 Ml$
Market: Local Power sector, coking and thermal coal export from South Africa Potential Customer: Eskom, Sasol, Jindal, Tata, Global Coal market

(*) NPV of the exploration asset: estimated on the basis of the actual transaction recorded in SA over last 10 years

Coal and Coal bed methane Project - Botswana


Botswana owns large coal proven reserves, estimated in 17 Billion Tons, located essentially in Karoo basin, where recent studies have demonstrated that about 200 Trillion cubic feet (in place) of Coalbed methane exist, out of which 60 are considered recoverable.
Therefore, the set-up of a CBM Project in Botswana has great scope to be developed, provided that the gas market be well identified and all the available economics of scale be captured.
The envisaged consumption trend in South Africa justifies the implementation of a gas connection with Botswana gas reserves.

Project Description

Surface (km2): 143.4
Resource: over 200 MlTon Coal (Speculative)

Activities and costs

Prospection activities: Geological survey, Drilling and core analysis, Reserve determination process
Total Costs (Ml$): 7.0 (0.5 on 1st y, 4.0 on 2nd y, 2.5 on 3rd y)

Potential Economic Value

NPV (M$) after prospection (BFS): 80-100 Ml$ based only on CBM exploitation
Market: Gas & Power sector, coal and gas export to South Africa
Potential Customer: Eskom, Sasol, Unigas (SA) and International Oil & Gas Major (Repsol), local Power Generation

(*) NPV of the exploration asset: estimated on the basis of the actual transaction recorded in SA over last 10 years

Save Limpopo Project (Coal) - Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe is well endowed with coal resources estimated in 11 billion tons, of which 2.5 billions tons are considered to be opencast.

The coal deposits are all of Permian age, belonging to the Ecca Series of the Karoo System and were deposited in two basins: the Middle Zambesi basin in the north and the Save-Limpopo in the South with a potential for the production of coking coal.

Two coal deposits have been identified, both situated near the SA border.
The area of the Chituripasi Coal project is in the Chiredzi District, the sites interested are those named Bubye East and Bubye West.
The area of Muhru project is located in Beitbridge where coking coal is expected to be present.

Project Description

Surface (km2): 143.4
Resource: over 200 MlTon Coal (Speculative)

Schiel project (Uranium) – South Africa


Areas of geological interest covered by the survey include the Schiel Complex and the Giyani Greenstone Belt. Both of these are of economic importance. The technical documentation, provided on the two areas of interest, indicates the presence of ore deposits (gold, nickel, copper and magnesite (MgCO3)) in the Giyani Greenstone Belt and the presence of Phosphate and Uranium mineralization Schiel Complex only through a Airborne geophysical survey.

Project Description

The area under investigation is situated in the Limpopo Province, approximately 75 km to the north-east of Tzaneen.
A high resolution airborne geophysical survey was conducted over the area of interest. Data collected during the survey comprised magnetic, radiometric and topographic data.
The technical documentation indicates the presence of Uranium mineralization.
The extension of the area is about 300 km2 A complete technical evaluation is required to assess the Uranium abundance.

Marange project (Diamond) – Zimbabwe

  • The geology and the diamond potential in terms of volumes expected have been estimated for Marange within the Special Grant 4720.
  • Chiadzwa, which lies within SG4720 and, developed since early 2007, has produced approx. 1 million carats.
  • The gem and near-gem proportion ranges from 5 to 10% of production. Actual average US$/ct values are unknown, but are expected to be in the 10-20 US$/ct range. For different deposits, grade can vary from 3 to 80 carats per tonne.

Project Description

The area under investigation is situated in the Limpopo Province, approximately 75 km to the north-east of Tzaneen.
A high resolution airborne geophysical survey was conducted over the area of interest. Data collected during the survey comprised magnetic, radiometric and topographic data.
The technical documentation indicates the presence of Uranium mineralization.
The extension of the area is about 300 km2 A complete technical evaluation is required to assess the Uranium abundance.